Tag: minikube

  • Develop for Kubernetes and WordPress with Skaffold

    Develop for Kubernetes and WordPress with Skaffold

    In this article, I am going to show you, how to create a WordPress Kubernetes application using Skaffold and Kustomize so you can start developing for WordPress with Kubernetes, in your local environment straight away. So What is Skaffold? And Kustomize? If you don’t know Skaffold yet, Skaffold is a command-line tool developed by Google […]

  • How to install Minikube and Kubectl on Windows 10

    How to install Minikube and Kubectl on Windows 10

    You want to develop in your Windows PC for Kubernetes so you can test your web application locally before deploying it to a managed Kubernetes cluster like Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Engine or Google Kubernetes Engine. In that case, this is the guide for you. I will take through the steps so you can install Minikube […]