Tag: aks

  • Kubernetes setting the current namespace

    Kubernetes setting the current namespace

    Kubernetes has become the de facto standard for container orchestration, providing users with robust and efficient tools to manage their containerized applications. One of the essential aspects of Kubernetes is its support for namespaces, which allow for easier organization and management of resources. This article discusses setting the current namespace using the kubectl command-line tool, […]

  • Azure AppService vs Azure Kubernetes Service

    Azure AppService vs Azure Kubernetes Service

    If you are using Azure and about to select an orchestration service in which to host your applications, you are probably struggling with the following decision: Should I host my application in Azure Kubernetes Service or in Azure AppService? While this decision ultimately depends on the requirements at hand, there are long-term implications for your […]

  • What is the difference between a Standard Azure AKS Cluster and a Private AKS Cluster?

    What is the difference between a Standard Azure AKS Cluster and a Private AKS Cluster?

    A Standard Azure Kubernetes Service cluster has a public IP address for the API Server and a Private AKS cluster has a private IP address for its API server endpoint. In both the Standard AKS Cluster and the Private AKS cluster the Worker Nodes have a Private IP address. For those looking for the long […]