What does the tensor.view() function do in PyTorch and how is it different from permute?

In PyTorch, the view() function is a tensor operation used to reshape a tensor without changing its underlying data. It allows you to change the dimensions of a tensor to fit your desired shape while preserving the original data and maintaining the same number of elements. This is especially useful when you need to change the shape of your input data to fit the requirements of a specific layer in a neural network.

Here’s an example of using the view() function:

import torch

# Create a tensor of shape (2, 3)
tensor = torch.tensor([[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]])

# Use view() to reshape the tensor to the shape (3, 2)
reshaped_tensor = tensor.view(3, 2)



tensor([[1, 2],
        [3, 4],
        [5, 6]])

In this example, the original tensor has a shape of (2, 3), and we’ve used the view() function to reshape it into a new tensor with the shape of (3, 2). Note that the total number of elements (6) remains unchanged.

Keep in mind that the new shape must be compatible with the original tensor’s total number of elements. If you try to reshape a tensor into a shape that requires more or fewer elements, you’ll get an error.

How is tensorr.view() different from tensor.permute()?

Both view() and permute() are tensor manipulation functions in PyTorch, but they serve different purposes:

  1. view(): The view() function is used to reshape a tensor without changing its underlying data. It can be used to change the dimensions of a tensor to fit the desired shape while preserving the original data and maintaining the same number of elements. However, the view() function requires the input tensor to be contiguous in memory, and if it’s not, you will need to call the contiguous() method before using view().
  2. permute(): The permute() function is used to change the order of dimensions of a tensor. It rearranges the axes of a tensor according to the specified order without changing the data itself. This is particularly useful when you need to swap the dimensions of a tensor to match the input requirements of a specific layer in a neural network. Unlike view(), permute() does not require the input tensor to be contiguous in memory.

Here’s an example to illustrate the differences:

import torch

# Create a tensor of shape (2, 3, 4)
tensor = torch.randn(2, 3, 4)

# Reshape the tensor using view()
reshaped_tensor = tensor.view(4, 3, 2)
print("Reshaped tensor using view():\n", reshaped_tensor.shape)

# Permute the dimensions of the tensor
permuted_tensor = tensor.permute(1, 0, 2)
print("Permuted tensor using permute():\n", permuted_tensor.shape)


Reshaped tensor using view():
 torch.Size([4, 3, 2])
Permuted tensor using permute():
 torch.Size([3, 2, 4])

In this example, view() was used to reshape the tensor from a shape of (2, 3, 4) to (4, 3, 2), whereas permute() was used to change the order of dimensions from (2, 3, 4) to (3, 2, 4). Notice that reshaping with view() changes the total number of elements in each dimension, whereas permute() simply rearranges the order of dimensions without altering their sizes.



