Tag: gradle

  • Organize Gradle files with multi-module project

    I have found a better way to organize Gradle files, it is useful for multi-module projects, where dependencies are duplicated. So instead of using a long list of implementations, we can group them into an array and import it as functions, here are the steps: Step 1: Create a dependency.gradle file in your project level folder, […]

  • Google’s ML Kit: Text recognition with sample app of receipts reading

    Google has published a few AI kit and one of them is text recogition, which I decided to try it out using a sample Android app to read receipts. The target is to be able to recognise: total, VAT and type. Full code can be found here. Step 1: Groundworks First of all, we need […]

  • Build Android project with multi flavour on Jitpack

    Lately my team has built an Android project that needs to run on multiple channels and platform: Google, Amazon, mobile, tablet and TV. It took us sometime to plan to enable us working in parallel within tight Sprint schedule. At the end we designed a structure that includes a core module which is shared on […]