Category: Google

  • Flutter Image classification using TensorFlow in 4 steps

    Flutter Image classification using TensorFlow in 4 steps

    Google provides a few products within the TensorFlow family: TensorFlow: the core open course library that is the foundation of developing and training machine learning models. TensorFlow.js: similar to TensorFlow but focus purely on JavaScript TensorFlow Lite: as the name suggests, it is a lightweight version of TensorFlow for deploying models on mobile devices. It […]

  • How to install Tensorflow 2.5 with CUDA 11.2 and CuDNN 8.1 for Windows 10

    How to install Tensorflow 2.5 with CUDA 11.2 and CuDNN 8.1 for Windows 10

    In this article, I am going to show you how you can install Tensorflow 2.5, CUDA 11.2.1, and CuDNN 8.1, for Windows 10, with full support for an Nvidia GPU RTX 30 series card. Since CUDA is backward compatible it should also work for RTX 20 series cards or older. But before I install CUDA, […]

  • Flutter WebApp with GCP #1

    This is a series of Google Cloud Platform study notes: Domain, SSL, and Google Site (#1) Host Flutter WebApp using Google AppEngine (#2) Deploy Flutter WebApp using Google Cloud Run (#3) Host Flutter WebApp using Google Compute Engine (#4) I am going to use various tools from GCP and some might be overkill for a […]

  • Flutter — simple GridView with flashcard game

    Here we are building a simple GridView and make it like a flashcard game. Functions I will talk thourgh includes: Loading a local json and parse it into data model Map the data model into grid-view with click events / animations Audio function to play short clip Share function to upload and share String Some […]

  • Flutter — Set up and build a simple ListView

    Flutter: the cross-platform tool to build native iOS and Android apps I have recently started to learn Flutter, I am still at the very beginning exploring it. This article is my learning notes to show you how to build a simple ListView from scratch. Step 1: Install the SDK on macOS Not surprising that the […]

  • Going on a Home Automation Spree

    Going on a Home Automation Spree

    Just under a year ago I have inundated my house with Alexa’s and Google Home’s. I then went on a semi-expensive journey to fill my house with everything from wifi light switches, wifi sockets, Philips hue type bulbs(Yeelight) to Honeywell wifi thermostats. A year later, after spending a few pounds, is our life any better? […]

  • Organize Gradle files with multi-module project

    I have found a better way to organize Gradle files, it is useful for multi-module projects, where dependencies are duplicated. So instead of using a long list of implementations, we can group them into an array and import it as functions, here are the steps: Step 1: Create a dependency.gradle file in your project level folder, […]

  • Google’s ML Kit: Text recognition with sample app of receipts reading

    Google has published a few AI kit and one of them is text recogition, which I decided to try it out using a sample Android app to read receipts. The target is to be able to recognise: total, VAT and type. Full code can be found here. Step 1: Groundworks First of all, we need […]

  • Google’s ML kit: Image recognition in Kotlin

    Google’s ML kit is the new firebase SDK that provides machine learning power to Android and iOS apps. The tool set includes: label image, text recognition, face detection, landmark recognition, barcode scanning and smart reply (coming soon at the time of writing). In this tutorial, I will show you how to set up the image […]

  • Build Android project with multi flavour on Jitpack

    Lately my team has built an Android project that needs to run on multiple channels and platform: Google, Amazon, mobile, tablet and TV. It took us sometime to plan to enable us working in parallel within tight Sprint schedule. At the end we designed a structure that includes a core module which is shared on […]